So much food!

The food in the hotel i think is the biggest plus. Every morning for breakfast we are given a large fruit bowl as shown below, a large platter of pastries including croissants, pancakes, cakes and biscuits (Shell has discovered a new favourite spread - Nutella which she spreads in large amounts on the pancakes), spanish omlettes with bacon, fresh coffee and finally freshly squeezed passion fruit juice.

This can be served in the resturant, in the bed or on the balcony all at no extra cost! They also allow us to have breakfast when we feel like it so regularly choose about midday We usually manage to make this last the entire day but on a couple of occassions have had to top up with some chips by the pool!

Waiting for the board with dinner to go up is one of the highlights and some of the menus are shown below.

Four of the most amazing courses are served with fresh breadsticks and buns. I have not managed to finish every course yet. There is still two days to go though. When the menus say crab sauce of lobster sauce infact you actually get either half a whole lobster or half a crab!

The quality of the food is stunning and would be placed perfectly in the best resturants in the UK and the freshness can be testified by the below fish caught off the beach outside the hotel! (This grouper we actually ate raw with lime and mango sauce. This was one of the nicest starters of the week.)

Again the people here are so helpful and accommodating that last night when Shell was getting a bit fed up of fish they changed the menu especially for her. She had Carbonara followed by chicken and chips finished of with ice-cream. Heathen comes to mind.

EDIT - Tonights has just been announced. Aubergine and Crab, Pumpkin Ravioli, Fish curry, Fruit crepes. This sounds different! I reckon i'll finish this....


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