I ain't getting on no plane.

When we arrived back at the hotel we were expecting a flight booked. I am still not sure how Shell had managed to persuade me to do this. As you read in a previous post, I hate flying nevermind flying on a budget internal kenyan flight.
We found out that the flight would take about 90mins but would require a stop in Mombasa. You read that right a ninety minute flight with a stopover! Not what i needed to hear as now i had infact two flights to worry about. The company we were with were Fly540 who despite excellent reviews from other passengers had managed to crash once in the five years they had been operating. Great.
We arrived at the airport and sort of checked in. I say checked in when really 'chucked in'; would have been more appropriate as we just sort of left our bags in a pile. I thought that even if we did make it alive (a big if) then our bags definately would not. I then sat around shaking and crying in the non existant departures hall.
We eventally got called through to our flight and had to walk 1/2 a mile to a really small propeller plane, by this point i was completly resigned to death. The steps into the plane folded out and could only support one at a time. Inside were thirty leather seats, worn out carpets and complete chaos as the stewardess could not work out why there was one too many people. I think seeing this chaos also scared shell abit - you always like the airlines to at least appear professional and said we could get of and get the two day bus if i wanted. Normally i think if i did this i would never live it down but in this scenario i think even she would have been quite relieved. None the less i was interested now in what happened after life so we stayed on. The plane closed the engines spluttered into gear and we set off.

The flight was fine. Really smooth and quite interesting as we passed Kilimanjayro. Shell relaxed and read her book and i just set there head in hands praying. Then we landed and reapeated the whole exercise before landing in Zanzibar on time. I actually cried once we landed.
Customs in Zanzibar was a bit of a nightmare as it would cost $100 dollars for our visas. I had $23 and they wouldn't accept cards. They allowed me through the terminal to a money changers, i could have ran off at any point but i didn't and we paid to enter the mystical island of Zanzibar....


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