The Name

Firstly, thank you for finding this site.

Secondly, the name. I apologies now for such a crappy website name but i literally spent 30mins pressing 'Check uniqueness'. Its very depressing to think about the number of people digitally playing through their lives with no one reading.

BUT this isn't supposed to be a depressing blog but a happy one about me. I don't really care if it never gets read as it is supposed to be a kind of a reference guide for me as i grow older.

I am a twenty-nine year old IT consultant (aren't we all) who has mostly to this point been involved with Documentum through the last few versions but have recently found myself thrust into the world of SharePoint - mostly via efforts to integrate the two.

This, however, is not my main interest. My main interest is my home life followed by Newcastle United followed by holidays. I am not a bum, I genuinely give my all to everything i do and i will work longer and harder than most but the fact remains i would rather be lying on the beach. Unfortunately to get to the beach you need money so here i am working!

I think most of this blog will be about work and things i would like advise/critiquing on but i may try to keep it upto date on other aspects.

Here we go..... 



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